Need some help to start changing your mindset? Here are 15 daily positive affirmations to help!
Thinking positively will change your mindset. Did I believe that, to begin with? No, no I didn’t. I don’t know about you but I really thought it was a load of fluff being sold to us from life coaches. But here I am, a year on from incorporating daily positive affirmations into my routine and my mindset has done a complete 180!
This is a guest post by Jordanne (The Life Of A Glasgow Girl)

What Are Affirmations?
In simple terms, they are positive statements that we can say to ourselves or others to help increase positive thinking and ditch the self-sabotage. It’s said to help your brain believe something if you tell yourself it enough times. There have been studies where positive affirmations have been used to successfully treat those who have low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health illnesses.
Now, I’m not saying positive affirmations cure depression or other mental health conditions. I, myself have depression and anxiety and no matter how many positive affirmations I tell myself, I’m never fully cured. But, that’s not to say they don’t help some people or enforce some positivity within our lives.
Changing The Way You Think
Affirmations can be great for helping change the way you think and re-enforcing a positive mental attitude. When we have a better state of mind our self-esteem will rise, our outlook on life changes and the way we react to situations becomes calmer. When we have a stronger sense of self-worth, we do more for our own wellbeing which is the goal really isn’t it? To feel good about ourselves and treat ourselves with more respect.

15 Daily Positive Affirmations
So, with all that being said, here are 15 positive affirmations to tell yourself daily to help change your mindset
- Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given.
- I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
- I am open to the universe and all it does for me.
- Through the dark I will appreciate the light.
- Storms make trees take deeper roots.
- Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.
- I need no permission to be my most authentic self.
- I trust that I am on the right path.
- I will be gentle with myself because I am doing the best I can.
- I deserve the love and respect I give freely to others.
- I don’t have to justify my feelings to anyone.
- I will make myself a priority today and every other day.
- I will never apologise for being who I am.
- I am growing and I am going at my own pace.
- I can hold two opposing feelings at once, it means I am processing.
Now that you have a start with some positive affirmations to help change your mindset, let’s talk about incorporating them into your daily routine and how to make them work for you.
How To Use Your affirmations daily
So, how do you use positive affirmations daily? Well, there are lots of ways in which you can fit them into your day to remind yourself of your worth. Some of my personal favourites include writing a new one in a journal each night or having post-it notes stuck around the house so that when you see them, you are reminded and can say it to yourself.
Affirmations are especially useful when you use them with a specific goal in mind. Whatever that goal is, is completely depending on what you need at the time but try also using visual aids alongside the affirmations. That could be a mood board with photos depicting your goals with affirmations written next to them. Or it could be a Pinterest board filled with positive affirmations.
The key is to find what works best for you and find a rhythm to keep yourself going so that you stick to it. Remember, this is for YOU and no one else, so do what YOU want.

In Conclusion – Daily Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are great for changing the way we think and when used properly, can do a complete overhaul on our minds. I never believed in them before but I sure do now! I’ve gone from constantly criticising myself to knowing I’m in charge of my own life. Keeping up with daily affirmations has been a game-changer and a huge help with my small business. I genuinely cannot recommend them enough. Give them a try, it’s always worth a shot.
A huge thank you to Nele for allowing me to share this guest post with you all. It’s been an absolute pleasure to talk about something I am quite passionate about now. I hope that I could have been of some help in your Affirmations journey and shared some that you can use in your day to day life.
Author’s Bio
Author Profile “Hi, I’m Jordanne! A Lifestyle blogger over at from Scotland. On my blog, you can find a whole host of topics including Self-Care, Mental Health, Blogging, Lifestyle and more. You’ll normally find me with a cappuccino in one hand and my phone in the other, come say hi!